Homebuyers Education is the first step to owning your own home!
Homebuyers Education is the first step to owning your own home!
If you can't make it to a homebuyer education workshop, you can take the First-time Homebuyer Education course online at: www.ehomeamerica.org/newlevelcdc After you complete the course, we will contact you for a free one-hour consultation.
New Level Community Development Corporation will be hosting virtual homebuyer education classes beginning this Tuesday May 28th, 2024, and Thursday May 30th, 2024 (From 1pm till 4pm). Every 2nd Saturday of each month starting June 8th, 2024. (From 10am till 4pm).
The course is 6-hours long every 2nd Saturday of the month. We've broken the virtual class during the week into 2 days. 3-hours Tuesday and 3-hours Thursday. Sign up for both days.
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate which is valid for 1 year.
Buying a house is complicated, so let us help you!
Homebuyers who complete the First-time Homebuyer Education training may qualify for down payment assistance or special financing with Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), The Housing Fund, and local banks in Middle Tennessee.
We invite you to attend our Homebuying Done Right, First-time Homebuyer Pre-purchase workshop designed to prepare homebuyers to successfully navigate the complex home buying process. You will receive your Certificate of Completion after attending one 6-hour workshop.
Housing Counseling for your success!
New Level CDC has partnered with eHomeAmerica.org/newlevelcdc to offer a comprehensive Money Management course to help you start saving, pay down debt and improve your credit. Prepare for your new home purchase with sound money adv.
After you purchase your Homebuyer Education workshop, please fill out an Intake Form found in the link below:
New Level CDC is a HUD-approved housing counseling agency and is approved by the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling.
Several industry professionals provide homebuyer education at New Level CDC Homebuyer Workshops.
Brian Jordan, Sr. Mortgage Loan Officer
Mark and Kelli Cairns, Realtors
Hilary Mohsenzadeh, Realtor
Reginald Page, Home Mortgage Consultant.